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Thursday, January 22, 2015


Our next two meetings Tuesday, January 27th and Tuesday, February 3rd will be at Fox Banquets (Michiels)


Sandy Sullivan grew up in Mauston, Wisconsin.  After she graduated High School she moved to Milwaukee to work for the Boston Store.  While working there she was discovered as a model and attended a modeling school.  After completing school she was offered a job that would forever change her life.  While working at the modeling company Sandy received a phone call from a Mr. Tom Miller, Assistant General Manager of the Green Bay Packers.  He was looking for a woman to run a booth at a tradeshow in Green Bay for the Packers.  He wanted a few ladies sent over to interview.  Sandy decided she would like to interview so she went but was not hired.  When she got home she received a call from Tom Miller that changed her life forever.  When Sandy arrived to the tradeshow she was nervous and scared.  She knew nothing about football.  She was setting up the table when a man came walking towards her and with a deep voice said, Sandy, I’m Vince Lombardi.  He told her she had 1 objective while working this booth and that was to sell season tickets because he had the winning football team for 1961.  It said it was “our” year.  He was going to put Green Bay on the map, the Green Bay Packers were going to be the Champions of the World and this was “our” winning year.  Lombardi taught Sandy everything she needed to know about football.  He made her watch videos of the players and she learned each and every one by their number.  To this day she remembers what player wore each number.  Sandy was linked to such players as Paul Hornung and Dan Currie throughout the years.  It was not until later in life that she decided to write a book about her experiences with the Packers.  Modeled and tested by the Champions of Green Bay, Sandy expressed deep and honest feelings about the lessons learned from relationships with players which shaped and directed her life, and tells us what it was life for her to run with the “PACK.”


·         The Courtesy Award is given to recognize vocational excellence in the Fox Valley area.  It is presented to people who work directly with the public and have exhibited exceptional service or uncommon courtesy to the people they serve.  It is one of the club's oldest awards, given to those in the community who demonstrate the Rotary ideal of Service above self. Rotarians are encouraged to submit nominations, which must be received by January 23, 2015.  The rules and nomination forms are available on our website at  

·         SAMP Packing: Tuesday, January 27th from 6:30-8:00 at the Ralph Shiner Center.

·         Rotarians are invited to gather for a FRIDAY FISH FRY, Friday, February 20th, 6:30 Cimarron Bar and Grill in Menasha.  Cimarron is located just east of Oneida Street on Highway 10/114 on the north side of the highway.  Reservations are encouraged.  Sign-up sheets will be at the check in table at upcoming Rotary meetings.  Join us for an evening of fun and food and Rotarian good cheer!

·         World Service Committee will be meeting Tuesday, January 27th at 11:00 am.
THE NEW WEBSITE NEEDS YOUR HELP!  The work is ready to begin on the new and improved club website. We are looking for three fellow Rotarians to join Mary, Jennifer, Deborah and Meghan as we identify features, establish page content and develop a new design for the site. To volunteer your time and talents to this important project please email Jennifer at


Are you part of the Silent Generation?  A Baby Boomer? A Gen Xer? No matter the label applied to your age group, all of us need to know how to better understand and work with those who are Millennials.  Just who are the Millennials and “why can’t they be like we were… perfect in every way”?

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Happy Hour at the Historic & Festive Cleo's Brown Beam Tavern!

The next Rotary Happy Hour, sponsored by the Family of Rotary Committee, is:

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Cleo's Brown Beam Tavern

203 W College Ave, Appleton

5-7 p.m.

Cash Bar    Appetizers to purchase


Continue the holiday spirit at this festively decorated and popular downtown Appleton bar!


Bring a spouse, significant other, friend, potential Rotarian – and join us.  See old friends, meet new ones and generally relax and enjoy the camaraderie and conversation.


It’s a great chance to get to know each other better and you also get a make up!


The Fox Valley has seen a sharp rise in drug overdose deaths in recent years.  On Jan. 27, Steve Eliot from Appleton PD, Jane Zaretzke of the Mooring Program Exec. and Kathy Flores, Appleton’s Coordinator will be panelists in a discussion about the latest drug and addiction issues in the Fox Valley and what is being done about it


·         The Courtesy Award is given to recognize vocational excellence in the Fox Valley area.  It is presented to people who work directly with the public and have exhibited exceptional service or uncommon courtesy to the people they serve.  It is one of the club's oldest awards, given to those in the community who demonstrate the Rotary ideal of Service above self. Rotarians are encouraged to submit nominations, which must be received by January 23, 2015.  The rules and nomination forms are available on our website at  

·         The district wants to invite members to apply for the District Governor position for 2017-2018.  If you have any interest in applying please contact Meghan and she can give you the information.

·         If any members have ideas for a program please contact Gary Hermsen or Amy Price.

·         Rotarians are invited to gather for a FRIDAY FISH FRY, Friday, February 20th, 6:30 Cimarron Bar and Grill in Menasha.  Cimarron is located just east of Oneida Street on Highway 10/114 on the north side of the highway.  Reservations are encouraged.  Sign-up sheets will be at the check in table at upcoming Rotary meetings.  Join us for an evening of fun and food and Rotarian good cheer!

·         World Service Committee will be meeting Tuesday, January 27th at 11:00 am.

·         Greg Linnemanstons resigned from our club on December 31, 2014.


From 2009 to 2011 Brett Heimann lived in the country of Togo for the Peace Corps.  His assignment was Girl’s Education and Empowerment volunteer.  While in Togo Brett worked closely with Rotarians due to the partnership that was signed in May of 2014.  There they worked together to do trainings on the solar ovens that were given by Rotary.  Rotary has been in Togo since 1968 and currently has 11 clubs.  One of their biggest projects is sanitation.  The Peace Corps and Rotary are working together to provide training on proper use and maintenance of hand washing stations in schools and medical centers.  Their ultimate goal is to promote healthy lifestyles.  If you would like more information or want to show support you can contact Rob Gooze at with the Madison Rotary.  If you have any further questions regarding the Peace Corps you can contact Brett at


Nigel Schuster reported to the club today that in one year the Rotaract Club at Lawrence has grown to 150 members.  In the past year they have had 17 different volunteer opportunities such as Riverview Gardens, SAMP Packing and their 2 main causes have been Loaves and Fishes and St. Joseph’s Food Pantry, where they volunteer weekly.  They have put in 423 volunteer hours this past year.  Alan Blake and Jake Woodford have put together a task force consisting of Rosie Cannizzo, Jeff Knezel and Shana Shallue.  This will allow them to articulate admission, educate sustainability within the club and enhance communication with our Rotary club.


President Deborah formally declared that the 2014 Annual Meeting is open and the only order of business on the agenda is the election of treasurer and 1 board member.  A motion was made that having received no other nominations for the elected officers and directors for the club for the year 2015/2016 that the nominations be closed.  Seconded.  Motion carried.


President Deborah submitted for approval the following individuals:


Treasurer                                               Gary Hermsen




One Year Term Board Members            Alan Blake


Motion was made to accept this list of nominations as presented?  Seconded.  Motion carried.

Having no further business motion was made to adjourn the 2014 Annual Meeting.  Seconded.  Motion carried.

Thursday, January 8, 2015


Jerry Murphy, Executive Director of New North, shared his presentation that he presented with bond rating companies who were recently in our community.  What is The New North you may ask??  New North, Inc. is a 501(c)3 nonprofit, regional marketing and economic development organization fostering collaboration among private and public sector leaders throughout the 18 counties of Northeast Wisconsin, known as the New North region. New North is a regional partner to the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) and the State of Wisconsin, as well as local economic development partners, and represents more than 100 private investors. They focus on three areas: marketing the region, business development and talent development.  Cost drivers use to be a priority but today one of the top drivers is available, qualified and adequate numbers of labor force.  Collaboration is key to build infrastructure with community partners to break down traditional boundaries and make the commitment to get the strategic work accomplished.  Key areas of industry sectors are manufacturing, construction, wholesale trade, retail trade, finance, insurance, real estate, professional and business services, educational services, arts and culture. A shared example of Wisconsin Energy Works and collectively went after the wind energy market as a region supply chain.  It started with 7 companies and evolved to having more than 300 companies as part of this new market opportunity.  One turbine has 8,000 components.  How can we take this same logic and apply it to reach other emery markets such as natural gas?  Creating new talent development/recruitment tool in a digital format that employers in our region can use to attract new employees.  New tools will be released later this year.  The highest growth employment growth area is in IT- which grew by 19.8% between 2011-2014. The impact of recession – pre-recession was 588,000 jobs.  Currently they are 577,000 jobs.  Between 2010 and 2020 we will need 76,000 new workers.  We need to get smarter and wiser to recruit, retain and be energized around this specific areas to provide talented workforce for the future.


·        Our next meeting on January 13th will be at Fox Banquets (Michiels).  Price per meal is $12.00.

·       The Courtesy Award is given to recognize vocational excellence in the Fox Valley area.  It is presented to people who work directly with the public and have exhibited exceptional service or uncommon courtesy to the people they serve.  It is one of the club's oldest awards, given to those in the community who demonstrate the Rotary ideal of Service above self. Rotarians are encouraged to submit nominations, which must be received by January 23, 2015.  The rules and nomination forms are available on our website at  

·       The district wants to invite members to apply for the District Governor position for 2017-2018.  If you have any interest in applying please contact Meghan and she can give you the information.

·       Orientation, Orientation, O-RIE-N-TATION…for all new members will be held on January 13th.  Please attend the meeting as normal and you will be dismissed to meet in a smaller room with the orientation committee.  If you have any questions please contact Meghan at


Sandy Sullivan, an author, teacher, businesswoman and motivational speaker will be here on January 20 to deliver a rousing account of her experiences while working with Vince Lombardi and the Green Bay Packers. She tells a wild survival story which starts with working for Vince Lombardi and the Packers in the ‘60’s and how that time influenced her life and it ends with a run for WI Secretary of State.


The next Rotary Happy Hour, sponsored by the Family of Rotary Committee, is:

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Cleo's Brown Beam Tavern

203 W College Ave, Appleton

5-7 p.m.

Cash Bar    Appetizers to purchase


Continue the holiday spirit at this festively decorated and popular downtown Appleton bar!


Bring a spouse, significant other, friend, potential Rotarian – and join us.  See old friends, meet new ones and generally relax and enjoy the camaraderie and conversation.


It’s a great chance to get to know each other better and you also get a make up!