Ken Stolzman was awarded a Rotarian of the Year for his help and expertise he has provided to the Club for many years. Before Kathy was hired, Ken used to take a box with receipts and deposits and recreate the financials for an entire Rotary year as well as put together the Club’s budget. He taught her to do accounting adjustments, budget and had someone from his office taught her to do payroll. He continues to review the budget and financials on quarterly basis, questions when something may not look right and helps to figure out why. Ken has been a member of the Club since 1979, received a Paul Harris Fellowship in 1993, recipient of the Charles and Adele Heeter Outstanding Community Leadership Award, Budget Director, Appleton Rotary Foundation Board serving as its Treasurer, and has been a member of the Finance Committee, Investment Committee and Recognitions Committee. Ken’s expertise and time commitment over the years, has enabled us to keep our Club’s financial records in order. Ken was given the Rotarian of the Year plaque and a Paul Harris Fellowship pin with one sapphire.
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